On April 12 there was a Health Fair in Rocksprings, which I promised to drive a neighbor too. She is having a tough time and wrecked her car. She was able to sign up for food stamps and I got information on some of the services offered in the County. I also took the time to sign up for Air Evac Insurance, something I just had not gotten around to doing. One benefit of signing up at the Health Fair is I got a free cap.
The nearest small hospital is a good hour drive away. Often when there is a medical emergency out here, the decision is made to fly by helicopter the patient to a San Antonio hospital. Medical Insurance pays very little of the actual cost of that air ambulance, leaving the patient with a very expensive bill. That is where Air Evac Insurance comes in. For only $50 a year per person, I am totally covered should I ever have a need to be flown to San Antonio in a medical emergency. I also learned they provide site insurance. In the future people will be living here for different amounts of time and trying to insure each individual will be tedious. The representative explained that with the site plan they determine the average number of folks who live at the site and bill for that number of folks. He shared he had just set up a site plan for a county jail. When the time comes I was assured it will be easy to switch my individual insurance to the site plan.
Last month I hired a handyman crew to do a few things around the property.
The first task was to build a fence around the garden. The fence was mostly finished a couple weeks ago and has been protecting the garden from hunger critters ever since. The second task was to install a gutter on the cabin and feed the rain water into a cistern sitting only feet away. The final task was to run a pipe and install a spigot for running water to the garden. The final two tasks were completed this past week. I am really enjoying not having to carry buckets of water from the back of the house (the location of the only other outdoor spigot) to the garden anymore.