Pictures taken around 6pm. Full moon is to the Northeast of house. Sunset is to the Southwest of house. When the moon is full it is so bright outside it is like I have street lamps.
My life has taken an interesting path. In 1985 I graduated from Sonoma State University (50 miles north of San Francisco) with a BA in Environmental Studies and Planning. My goal had been to become a special education teacher, but those plans changed after I turned my life over to Jesus on February 16, 1985. Now I wasn’t really sure what God had planned for me. But soon any plans He had for me began to take a back seat as my health started going down hill. By 1990 I was just to ill from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and a few related diseases to work so I applied for disability. I always believed God would heal me and finally in October 1996 my miracle took place, but only after I learned about the mind/body/spirit connection. I was called into ministry six months before my healing and have devoted my full attention to serving God since. I attended Seminary part-time for a number of years but an injury forced me to drop out in 1994 and lack of money has kept me from returning. My dream is to finish my Master of Divinity degree but right now I am keeping very busy establishing a place for folks with MCS (and related disases) to come live and learn God still heals. A donation towards either cause is appreciated. Donations can be sent to 3473 SD 22800/Rocksprings, TX 78880.