Disadvantages also exist. If I crave something but do not have it in the house, tough. There is a small store in Rocksprings, a Super S. But the nearest decent size grocery store and Wal-Mart is an hour away in Kerrville. Believe me; I keep paper attached to the fridge so I can keep a running list of what I need at the store. It would be a real drag to drive to Kerrville and forget something at the grocery store. On the bright side, I no longer succumb to fattening cravings.
It can be very inconvenient living so far from civilization. It is hard to get large purchases delivered and when the company will deliver, they charge a lot. A few months ago I purchased a mattress. A friend had said he would help me bring it home since the company refuses to deliver so far away. Unfortunately things came up and he has been unable to do so. I have found someone else with a truck who can pick it up for me and I am anxiously waiting.
No matter how inconvenient it is living out here or how lonely I may get at times, it is worth it because I am here doing God’s will. For over a decade I have been making decisions based on God calling me to help people who are sick like I use to be, who need help, and who still need to discover God still heals.
I will admit though that at times this project seems overwhelming. There is so much to do. No single person can get it all done, let alone have all the needed skills. I have been doing what I can do and praying for volunteers to help with the rest. The need is great and urgent. Just last week I received a letter from a woman in need. She is very ill and had a long list of medical problems, so many she can no longer take care of herself. She also mentioned a couple with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) who also are in need. Then last Friday I received a call from a man who also has MCS. He is not sure what he is going to do but does not want to spend another winter in Montana.
If you have a desire to spend a few days out in the country spending some time doing missions, let me know. I have plenty of room (1,700 sq ft house) for people to stay. I have two airbeds, a twin bed in the office, and soon a double bed in the master.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Install a laminate floor in the community room;
Build a small deck (8ft by 19ft) and stairs off the back door;
Build raised vegetable gardening beds (rock walls);
Convert a cistern into a rain barrel for catching and storing rain water for watering the garden;
Minor house repairs;
Sawing/trimming dead Mountain Cedar trees to be used in building projects, burning off the left twigs;
Cleaning out a cabin/shed;
Plus more…