Friday, November 9, 2012

Installing Electricity

Last August I promised to share photos from the day Pedernales showed up and installed our electricity.  Then a few days later we were hit with microburst straight line winds and well, life took a turn and I just never got back to it.  We have been extremely busy and it has been hard for me to find time to get to it, but I decided I better do it or it will never get done. 
Pedernales showed up before 9am and didn’t leave until after 1pm.  Watching the crew work was interesting.  Everyone had their job and didn’t need to be told what to do.  They drove onto the property and immediately got to work.  It was sort of like watching a ballet.  While one used the auger to dig 3 separate holes in rock, others would be preparing a pole, while others would be preparing the wire or working on a different pole or doing something else.  No one took breaks.  No one stood around doing nothing.  Everyone on the crew worked hard that day.  What these guys do every day is physically difficult dangerous work that most of us never think about.  But thanks to them and men like them we have electricity. 
Part 1
 Part 2

Part 3



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