Thursday, February 19, 2009

Computer Problems

It is a little late but Happy New Year. I pray 2009 so far has been good to you. It has been busy for me,

Last year, 2008, was a year filled with trials for me. I spent the entire year dealing with computer problems, which began in January when my hard drive failed. With very little notice I was forced to move due to toxic mold spreading throughout the entire apartment building. Then I broke my foot and spent several months in a wheelchair. And then as my last post reveals, after a very long illness my mother passed away.

As 2009 arrived I still had computer problems hanging over my head. So in early January I reinstalled all the software on a new hard drive hoping that would solve my problems, but new ones surfaced. Basically I could no longer safely get on the Internet. I was using Windows 2000 and a lot of expensive old software and could no longer obtain security software to protect the computer from viruses, etc. I basically had no choice but to use the old computer for certain purposes such as bookkeeping and get a new computer with more up to date software. Thanks to some generous donors who wish to remain anonymous, I was able to purchase a lap top to use for Internet purposes.

If you are someone who loves to create web sites and would enjoy assisting me with this major task, I would welcome the help. At the moment I don’t even have software with which to work on the website, let alone the time to do so. So anyone who would like to volunteer to help out on the web site, please contact me.

And for everyone else, I hope 2009 so far is treating you well.