2008 will go down as a very tough year for me. I have been plagued with computer problems, an injured foot, having to move unexpectedly, along with many other problems in my life. If that were not enough, for the past few years I have had to watch from far away my mother slowly decline in health. She has been very ill for the past decade but her struggles ended on November 12, 2008.
My mother was an amazing person and to this day I do not know how she managed to have the energy to do what she did while I was growing up. While working full time and raising me as a single parent, she managed to get a college degree and attend law school. After passing the California State Bar, she got a job with the State Dept. of Health Services, where she moved up the latter to the highest level a person could rise to. The governor appointed her immediate supervisor. Her career was an accomplishment for any person, let a lone for a woman (and a single mother) at a time when women did not become attorney’s. I think my mother would be surprised if she were to pick up a copy of today’s Sacramento Bee and read it.
To read Donna Hyatt’s obituary news story:
The following was sent to me by one of her co-workers:
It is with great sadness that I learned that Donna had passed away. As a 31 year Medi-Cal employee and now the head of Medi-Cal, I want to pass along my thoughts and prayers to you.
During her tenure in our Department, Donna meant a lot to me and was a great counsel and advisor to the program. I personally learned so much from her and she gave great advice and representation.
Donna worked on issues that made a difference to the people of California . Her work made a major contribution to the health of the people served by Medi-Cal, low income families, children, pregnant women, seniors and persons with disabilities. People’s lives in California are better because of the work that Donna did. She is very much a legend in the Medi-Cal program.
I spent many hours working with Donna and will always remember them fondly.
I wish you the best and will always be grateful for the work done by Donna to make the world a better place.
Thank you.
Stan Rosenstein
Department of Health Care Services
My mother was an amazing person and to this day I do not know how she managed to have the energy to do what she did while I was growing up. While working full time and raising me as a single parent, she managed to get a college degree and attend law school. After passing the California State Bar, she got a job with the State Dept. of Health Services, where she moved up the latter to the highest level a person could rise to. The governor appointed her immediate supervisor. Her career was an accomplishment for any person, let a lone for a woman (and a single mother) at a time when women did not become attorney’s. I think my mother would be surprised if she were to pick up a copy of today’s Sacramento Bee and read it.
To read Donna Hyatt’s obituary news story:
The following was sent to me by one of her co-workers:
It is with great sadness that I learned that Donna had passed away. As a 31 year Medi-Cal employee and now the head of Medi-Cal, I want to pass along my thoughts and prayers to you.
During her tenure in our Department, Donna meant a lot to me and was a great counsel and advisor to the program. I personally learned so much from her and she gave great advice and representation.
Donna worked on issues that made a difference to the people of California . Her work made a major contribution to the health of the people served by Medi-Cal, low income families, children, pregnant women, seniors and persons with disabilities. People’s lives in California are better because of the work that Donna did. She is very much a legend in the Medi-Cal program.
I spent many hours working with Donna and will always remember them fondly.
I wish you the best and will always be grateful for the work done by Donna to make the world a better place.
Thank you.
Stan Rosenstein
Department of Health Care Services